Action and Support Front for Trans People

As trans groups and individuals, we collectively face absurd laws that still govern our access to decent healthcare and adequate means of livelihood.

We are already organizing for hormones, information, access to doctors… But we often lack crucial points: access to housing, employment, basic care that is too often denied to us… but also points such as: access to hormones tailored to our needs and bodies, accurate information about our bodies, health, and lives, administrative systems that don’t glitch on our IDs or appearances… down to hair removal for everyone.

This fund serves to:

  • Acquire and maintain collective means of autonomy in the face of the transphobic, racist, classist, and sexist medical and administrative system,
  • Finance support for access to bodily treatments, hormonal treatments, and basic health needs,
  • Contribute to our grassroots actions,
  • Support research into obtaining information about our bodies and treatments.

To support us:

You can send your donations to the Marius Jacob Foundation account, specifying “FAST” in the communication… Over time! By setting up a monthly transfer, you give the fund the chance to act more broadly because the demand is significant.

IBAN: BE65 5230 8110 3896
Bank : Triodos Bank
Name : Fondation Marius jacob 
Communication: FAST