Marius Jacob fund

Our collective fund allows for the awarding of grants every two months to financially support activists, collectives, and social movements active in Belgium.
The decisions to award the grants are made every two months by a committee of randomly selected people.

The criteria
The basic criteria for project selection are summarized below. These criteria do not necessarily have to be fully met but serve as a basis to guide the selection:

To contribute to the foundation’s purpose

To fight against all forms of exploitation or domination (whether economic, social, ecological, patriarchal, racist, etc.).

Transformative dimension

To act for social change, addressing the root causes of a problem.

Counter-current initiatives

Bold initiatives or startups that will have difficulty finding funding elsewhere.

Diversity of struggles

To support a diversity of struggles, particularly those that do not often receive support.

Collective emancipation

To experiment with new ways of doing things, different approaches, without the main ingredients of an oppressive system.

Multiplier effect

Inspiring projects that have the potential to create new dynamics or that create or facilitate access to tools available to everyone.

Horizontalism and self-organization

To organize in a self-managed or horizontal manner.

➡️ 04/10/24: Deadline for application submission
➡️ 04/24/24: Cooperative Budget Allocation Assembly
➡️ 05/21/24: Deadline for application submission
➡️ 06/04/24: Cooperative Budget Allocation Assembly

To make a request, the submission of applications is done via email. An outline is proposed but groups are free to provide the information in the form they wish. To be sent to .

The amount of this first call: 3000€ divided between the different selected collectives.

Attribution process

A randomly selected assembly

Les bourses sont octroyées par l’assemblée coopérative d’attribution des bourses (ACAB). Cette assemblée, renouvelée tous les 6 mois, est constituée de 9 membres tiré.e.s au sort parmi les membres de l’assemblée générale de la fondation. L’assemblée est renouvelée partiellement (3 personnes) tous les 2 mois.

To limit domination

The process of forming the ACAB aims to limit the participation of privileged individuals. Based on self-identification regarding the systems of domination they are part of, the random selection formula will decrease the chances of being selected the more privileges one accumulates. Members must confidentially identify if they consider themselves as: white, male, cisgender, heterosexual, documented, housed, able-bodied, having a university degree, or having a net income over 1500€.

A transparent process

A schedule of the next three ACAB meetings is provided, with a grant allocation meeting set every two months. Assistance can be arranged to help fill out grant applications (by volunteers from the assembly).

=> See the rules of operation and criteria for grant allocation.

The projects already supported